Tuesday, September 24, 2013

One Last Week!!!!

One week exactly.

One week and we'll be climbing onto the plane.

Last minute preparations are being made and we both begun packing several days ago.

Our backpacks are beginning to bulge.

Our map is adorned with multiple circles and colors. Red for the cities we would most like to see, green for natural or historical places we would like to explore and blue for places we would like to stay in for a week or more.

"Come along Life, take my hand, lets have an adventure together."


Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Two Weeks and Counting!

Yesterday marked two weeks until our departure date!!!

And, as is my traveling style, planning is barely off the ground!

Also quite typical of my travelling style, our plan is simple.

We fly from Seattle, Washington to Reykjavik, Iceland and from there to London, England.

Two months later we fly from Paris, France back to Reykjavik and on to Seattle.

Our plan for the two months in between is also rather simple, see everything we can!

We plan our destinations just as simply.

The Planning Process!
We collect the most colorful guide books the public library has to offer.

Then we spread them out on the floor or table and open one after another, searching for the most beautiful pictures.

Then we read the captions, write down the locations, find them on the floor-sized map and circle them.

We are also taking suggestions and so far we have heard the following, among others of course:

-Stonehenge               -Prague                      -Munich                     -Barcelona
-Scotland                   -Istanbul                    -The Black Forest       -Malta
-Hungray                    -Brittany                    -Wales                        -Yorkshire
-Ireland                      -Madrid                     -Larzac                       -Estonia
-Latvia                       -Lithuania                   -Dublin                        -The French Pyrenees

Although our list is rather long, we will certainly take more suggestions so please feel free to post them!

'Come along Life, take my hand, lets have an adventure together."


Friday, September 6, 2013


Last night, the purchase of airline tickets was made-an event I have been waiting for nearly all my life!

On October 1st, 2013, at 4:30 P.M., an Icelandair flight will rise above the Emerald City in beautiful Washington State.

At 6:45 A.M. the next morning we will stumble sleepily off the plane into Keflavik International, an airport seated just outside of Iceland's capital city Reykjavik.

We will spend two nights in Reykjavik.

Nights during which I am told there is a very good chance I will see the infamous Northern Lights color the skies above me.

Two days later, we will board another Icelandair flight and within three hours touchdown at the London Heathrow Airport.

Perhaps that will be the day I finally understand the pull I feel for London.

'So come along Life, take my hand, lets have an adventure together.'


Thursday, September 5, 2013

A Beginning

Hello and welcome to my blog of wanderings!

I am inviting you to follow the travels and ramblings of a girl who can't stop exploring this amazing world surrounding her!

While traveling, I prefer to experience the Place within a place rather than the Typical.

I do this by avoiding travel guides or participating in tours and I rarely wait about in lines.

Instead I Breathe in a place by walking it, tasting it and Feeling it. I talk to the Locals and ask Them where I should go-what I should see-rather than asking a guide book. I ask Them their Favorite Places and that's where I go.

Each place I see I try to Live-In for a time-even if I'm only there for a day.

I Soak-In all I can. I try to Feel the Life of a place, and I try to Grab every opportunity that comes my way.

The Beginning of October will mark one such opportunity, as well as my first gaunt into Europe. A gaunt that will last 6-8 weeks, cover several countries and a multitude of towns, cities, villages and adventures!

'So come along Life, take my hand, lets have an adventure together.'
